Custom Affirmation and meditation Audio Bundle $133
This is a Custom Package which includes 3 different audios that will be personalized to you specifically.
It will have a 1 Self Concept Mediation and 2 Sleep Affirmations based on Self Love, Self Confidence, Manifesting Abilities, Desired Reality and Feelings to help you deal with any uneasiness.
You will have access to them once I am done and you and only you will have access to them. I will keep in touch with you via email once the Non Refundable payment has gone through.
I will use the email you put for the transaction so make sure to use the right email and check your Spam box if you haven’t heard from me in 24hrs.
Once you have paid, give me 24hrs to respond. Then I will direct you with certain questions to further help you. I will need at most 3-4 business days to complete them but you will be in the know if there’s a delay or anything. This isn’t a coaching session!
personalized written Affirmations $44
This is NOT A COACHING SESSION!! No zoom meeting or coaching at all. This package is for anyone who don’t need coaching but do want to have written scripts of affirmations to help them. I want to say that so you don’t expect a coaching session but an awesome inner conversation tool to help you with your manifestation. You will Tell me in a short paragraph what you want to manifest. Then I will create affirmations to help you going off what you want to manifest and send them back to you by Email. Let me know your conflicting thoughts around manifesting this desire as well. Keep in mind this isn’t a coaching session, just personalized affirmations. It will include 2 self concept, 2 self concept and desire, 2 desire affirmations and 1 Self Concept and Desire Rampage a total of 6 Affirmations Scripts and 1 Rampage Script. You will choose a Date and Time and I will create your personalized Affirmations at that specific Date and Time.
personalized Written
Inner Conversations & Affirmations $67
This is not a Coaching Session!! No zoom meeting or coaching at all. This package is for anyone who doesn’t need coaching but do want to have written scripts of inner conversations and affirmations to help them. Which is all email base. Tell me what you want to manifest. Then I will create inner conversations and affirmations to help you going off what you want to manifest. Let me know your conflicting thoughts around manifesting this desire as well. Keep in mind this isn’t a coaching session just personalized inner conversations. It will include self concept, self concept and desire and desire inner conversations with a total of 3 Inner Conversations Scripts. This will also include Affirmations: 3 self concept, 3 self concept and desire, 3 desire affirmations and 1 Self Concept and Desire Rampage a total of 9 Affirmations Scripts and 1 Rampage Script. You will choose a Date and Time and I will create your personalized Inner Conversations at that specific Date and Time. Non Refundable